Seasons | Teen Ink


October 25, 2011
By EricW BRONZE, Hinsdale, Illinois
EricW BRONZE, Hinsdale, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sunny, shimmering, summer
The warm breeze soothes your soul
The green grass is soft to lie on
The air smells of the aroma of flowers
The birds singing their iridescent hearts out
The sun shining a blazing yellow
The apples are sweet as sugar

Amber, aroma, autumn
The leaves are crisp orange
The cool breeze whips through hair
The brisk air smells fresh
The sound of preparing animals
The falling of leaves
The beautiful spectrums of orange and brown

Wonderful, white, winter
The freezing air chills
The gentle fall of snow
The kids playing in the snow
The freezing nights keep us covered
The morning rain clouds up the window
The streets are slow in the cold

Shiny, soggy, spring
The first warm sun of the year
The reappearance of adults from their fireplaces
The crisp clean air refreshes the lungs
The first songs from birds of the year
The melting of snow and ice
The green grass regrows after being immerged

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