She was. She realized. She is. | Teen Ink

She was. She realized. She is.

October 14, 2010
By malakwehbe SILVER, Dearborn, Michigan
malakwehbe SILVER, Dearborn, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
\"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.\" - Jimi Hendrix

She was the perfect girl.
The one everyone looked up to.

She was on top of the world.
And no one could stop her.

Making choices everyday, better for herself and no one else.
She loved.
She danced.
She cried.
Everyday she wanted something more, her heart, hungry for more.

She knew exacty what she wanted,
always wished time could fastforward,
her future was sure to be bright,
everyone counted on her.
She counted on herself.

She always wanted the best,
always tried to help the rest.

People would laugh,
people would love.

All she ever wanted was for people to love.
She told herself someday she'll have it all,
and her people would follow.

All she ever wanted was for people to learn.
For things to be perfect.
In her head, they would be someday.

She had friends,
some of the best.
They watched her everyday,
she listened to their stories.
She was greatful for these people,
for who they became,
defined who she was.

She tried to listen.
She tried to understand.
Life could never be so easy when all were given minds to work with.
She tried to cope.

She realized she was a person.
A person who could make a difference if she tried.
She realized she couldn't save the world,
and the world could not save her.

She realized,
Though she always wanted more,
she had to be patient.
For something might be hers at one point,
and at another,
leave her soul forever.

She realized who she could be,
and what she could do.
She realzied this was what she wanted.
What she wanted,
she was going to get.

She is a girl.
She is so much more.
She is a helper, someone who tries.
Someone who hopes to succeed throughout everything she does.
She doesn't care.
Doesn't care for the ones who have never thought to help themselves.

She watches her life,
everything around her.
It all changes everyday,
but she never loses her vision.
She never loses herself.

She suffers.
We all do.

She's a fighter,
in the battle of eternity.

She wants what everyone wants.
She wants a life worth living.

She wants to leave a mark,
she wants people to know.
She wants people to know who she was, what she realized, and who she is.

Forever will she be a dreamer, a doer, and a fighter.
Forever will she follow her vision,
And forever will people follow.

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