I am a Flower | Teen Ink

I am a Flower

July 10, 2024
By Clairenordquist BRONZE, West Hartford, Connecticut
Clairenordquist BRONZE, West Hartford, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am a flower
If I am not beautiful, I am overlooked
If I am beautiful, I am taken from the ground
Torn from my home
And sold
Only to slowly decay in a small jar of water
My leaves once shown as a gift of admiration
Now, turning from pink to brown
From lively to shriveled
And tossed in the trash since I am no longer beautiful
I am a flower

The author's comments:

This piece follows the life of an everyday flower; if it is not beautiful, one will walk past it and leave it for life, where it will slowly wither. Or, if beautiful, one will take it, only for it will shrivel and become unalluring, be forgotten, and thrown away. This message can be interpreted in many ways, such as through the lens of modern-day beauty standards, people's desires for attention and love, or, of course, the everyday flower. The choice is yours!

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