Tie Game | Teen Ink

Tie Game

May 8, 2024
By bcmccumber BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
bcmccumber BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The 4:30PM mental alarm clock looms.

Shoe spikes scrape,

Crisp air enters my lungs,

As laughter engulfs me like a sinkhole.

Fresh cut grass yearns,

Dirt and sand conspire after every gust,

Pride and joy hang in the balance.

All eyes squint from the late afternoon sun.

Triumphs and victories become reality,

Strike 1.

Strike 2.

Strike 3.

Applause rattles.

There’s no I in team,

Which means we’re tied,

Together forever,

A newfound family,

That is not blood.

30 new brothers,

4 extra fathers,

1 forever best friend.

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