As The Rain Falls | Teen Ink

As The Rain Falls

March 19, 2024
By goatwagons SILVER, Ellis Grove, Illinois
goatwagons SILVER, Ellis Grove, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the rain falls,

It reminds me of my youth, 

Once a sweet innocent child,

Playing out in the yard,

Wanting to go to places I had seen in shows,

It reminds me of when I started writing,

When my works were lesser quality then now,

It reminds me of when I started making friends,

When I finally met people like myself,

When I found love, 

When I had hope,

But those days are over,

I have grown

Grown into a poet,

Dejected and tired,

Sitting in front of digital paper,

I sit here, typing away as if the words flow from my mouth

Into my fingertips as they tap against the keys,

Writing poem after poem,

Putting my thoughts to page for me to publish

Out to the world so my voice will be heard,

So I will be remembered,

So I will not be forgotten.

Eventually I will tire of writing,

I will close this digital page,

Only to go watch the rain.

The author's comments:

I was honestly just going off the dome with this one, just been really tired as of recent, so I decided to try something different for a change

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