Feel | Teen Ink


September 28, 2023
By saf-t SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
saf-t SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

          The rock bottom of October never will beat the rock bottom of January finals week.
                   And the antonym of pink is a sprained ankle that never healed right
          So when you toss sadness to the wind, it will return as hail so big it’ll dent your car.

                               The opposite of tender is the corner of a table.
                                  And at the edge of silver is a stubbed toe.
        So the sadness of puppies is like getting your socks wet, and sloshing around in water

   But, If you look underneath peace, you might hear a quiet summer morning when the dew                                                         hasn’t even risen yet-
                                               Where the birds are chirping.
                   And if you jump into the present, you’ll land on a rainbow stairway.
            So if you turn hope on high, you’ll see a golden sunset over a mountain top.

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