Jane Eyre’s World | Teen Ink

Jane Eyre’s World

April 11, 2023
By Allen_writesomething BRONZE, 深圳, Other
Allen_writesomething BRONZE, 深圳, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In Jane Eyre's world, a classic tale unfolds,

Of loyalty, freedom, and true love that holds,

Her spirit unyielding, her heart fierce and bold.


Neglect and misery marked her childhood days,

Yet Jane's inner strength never ceased to amaze,

Her soul longed for freedom, and love's fiery blaze.


Her love was pure, though secret and taboo,

She refused to compromise, her spirit true,

For love and freedom, she knew what to do.


She questioned societal norms, wealth, and fame,

What good were they if they brought only shame?

Love knows no bounds, its power cannot be tamed.


Their love was true, through thick and thin,

In each other's arms, they found their kin,

Love's freedom, they embraced with a grin.


Jane showed us the power of the human spirit,

The unyielding pursuit of truth, love, and merit,

A lesson for all, in this classic story's orbit.


With specific details and imagery woven in,

Her story shines bright, like a ray of sun,

And inspires us all, to fight and to win.

The author's comments:

After Reading Jane Eyre, I was intrigued by the pursuit of pure love between Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester. Thus, after reading the novel, I wrote a poem base on what I’ve read from the story.

The poem "Jane Eyre's World" written reflects on the central theme of Jane's relationship with Mr. Rochester in the novel. The poem portrays their love as pure and true, despite the societal expectations and challenges they face.


The line "Her love was pure, though secret and taboo" shows how Jane's love for Mr. Rochester was considered taboo due to his social status and the difference in their ages. This evidence demonstrates how societal expectations were against their relationship, yet Jane's love was so strong that she refused to compromise.


The line "Their love was true, through thick and thin" alludes to the trials and tribulations that the couple went through. This line illustrates how Jane and Mr. Rochester's love was tested by various trials, including Mr. Rochester's past and his marriage to Bertha Mason. Yet, despite these trials, their love remained pure and unyielding, showing love's power and how it can overcome all obstacles.


The line "In each other's arms, they found their kin" illustrates the comfort and safety that Jane and Mr. Rochester found in each other's company. This evidence demonstrates the depth of their love and how they relied on each other for emotional support.


The poem also emphasizes Jane's determination to hold onto her love for Mr. Rochester despite societal constraints. The line "She refused to compromise, her spirit true" illustrates how Jane was willing to risk societal judgment to hold onto her love. This evidence demonstrates Jane's strong-willed nature and commitment to true love and freedom.

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