Shadow | Teen Ink


October 23, 2019
By Tigerlily123409876 BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
Tigerlily123409876 BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone always wonders about that sinking feeling they feel, they say in the dark of night something just doesn’t feel right, they feel someone watching them as they speak but turn around to find an empty room, void of the peering eyes they felt, or so they thought.

I am always watching, I creep onto walls and down the halls, anywhere light cannot be found. 

I am said to be found in the darkest part of a person's mind feeding them little lies. 

Those who think that are lying to themselves, I was not the one who corrupted you on that day it was your own heart who paved the way. 

I am not evil and light is not good, so quit blaming me for your crimes i've got better things to do.

Sometimes I take the form of people during the day using their cover to block the blinding rays, or sometimes I hide in a dark room waiting for the moonlight to come through. 

The night is the grandest time for someone like me, I cuddle and coddle you in my cold embrace, but you don’t understand so you turn away.

You wait for day with its beautiful light, unaware of my blight.

For the night is the only time I am truly safe, no longer having to hide I can show my face, the light will keep searching and I will keep hiding, this is the life we live, an endless game of tag that we never win. 

For you see without one the other cannot survive, so we will continue to chase day after day, night after night, the endless cycle of shadow and light.

The author's comments:

The cycle of Shadow and Light.

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