The User We All Know | Teen Ink

The User We All Know

March 28, 2013
By Keandra Pope BRONZE, Montgomery, Alabama
Keandra Pope BRONZE, Montgomery, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

With a bright smile, you are kindly asked for a favor,
And, unaware that I will not be seen or heard from later,
You oblige because you think we are friends.
How could you have known I was a user?

Unaware that I will not be seen or heard from later,
I am delighted to find you, the victim, so willing.
How could you have known I was a user?
Say farewell to the trust I drag away.

I was delighted to find you, the victim, so willing,
And your trust in me was so easy to take,
Say farewell to the glittering shards of yourself,
You may borrow my warped façade in return.

And your trust in me was so easy to take,
Maybe the next one will be smarter.
You may borrow my warped façade in return
For something worth so much more.

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