He Said They Were Gently Crashing Down | Teen Ink

He Said They Were Gently Crashing Down

April 11, 2011
By amg73093 GOLD, Cincinnati, Ohio
amg73093 GOLD, Cincinnati, Ohio
18 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."

The raindrops, I could agree,
but in the eye of that raindrop, I’d disagree.
I sort of envied the rain,
for they were free.

While I, alas, was hidden behind metal and glass, and
Inside that obstruction,
contained Romeo, and his thought of Juliet.
Inside, there was no us or we.

The rain though, flew by with heart,
wallowing upon the glass,
fulfilling the greater purpose it was meant for,
one Romeo could not see.

I could understand where rain came from,
but not he.
I could gladly hold the rain,
but not he.

Rain was gentle, and said not a word,
and fallowed my finger with the aid of high speeds.
The metal just another stop,
another place for it to be.

I saw continuance pour down on me,
the raindrops, I could agree,
but in the eye of that raindrop, I’d disagree.
I sort of envied the rain,
for they were not me.


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