Mirror Image | Teen Ink

Mirror Image

May 15, 2024
By Skletts BRONZE, Holly Springs, North Carolina
Skletts BRONZE, Holly Springs, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They say opposites attract 

I can believe that's true

My Mom and Dad are polar opposites

Mom is talkative 

She always has so much to say

The way she can start and hold a conversation has always impressed me

She's the life of any party I’ve ever attended 

People say her laugh is infectious 

The way it spreads to everyone in the room

Dad is quiet

He keeps to himself most of the time

He doesn’t extend his communication outside the people he’s close with 

He follows mom around at most parties 

Chasing her around like a lost puppy 

I have the same loud laugh as my mom

I hate mine so much

But Dad says Mom changes the atmosphere of any room with her laugh

Mom spends her time by 

Being with her friends

Spending time with me and my sister

In the Summer she doesn’t want to be anywhere but the beach

She would live out there

Between the sand and water if she could 

Dad is always on his computer

Playing his little video games

He stays in his house most of the time

I’m convinced if it wasn’t for my mom

He would never step foot onto the beach

Of course Dad doesn’t want to live there 

But he’d do it for her 

I think I’m much more like Dad

But when I follow my mom around at family events

He tells me to talk, spend more time with my relatives 

While he also follows Mom around 

The two of us hiding in her shadow 

I’m always in my room on my phone

Dad tells me to get out of my dark room

And to get off my phone

Then returns to his dimly lit cave which wields his PC

I’ll be having a lazy day at home 

He tells me to go out and do something with people

But I don’t think I’ve ever seen him hang out with a friend that isn’t Mom

And when it isn’t just Mom, It’s Mom's friends 

And sometimes their Husbands also being dragged along to do god knows what

I see myself in my Dad physically 

I have his nose

I have his eyes

Sometimes I think he sees himself in me

Which might explain the look of constant disappointment on his face 

But I also see the same look of disappointment on his face when I cover mine in makeup

I try to shrink down my man nose with contour

I apply my eyeliner heavily to manipulate the shape of my usually dull eyes

My Dad always reminds me “I don’t need makeup”

Me and Dad are more alike than he thinks

Or maybe he knows how similar we are

The look in his eyes tells me when he sees me 

He also sees the same quiet boy listening to the music his Mom hates in a dark dimly lit 


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