Failure | Teen Ink


May 26, 2009
By Sidney LeBeauf BRONZE, Ama, Louisiana
Sidney LeBeauf BRONZE, Ama, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life is full of attempts at many things.
From the start to the end,
We all try to succeed at new things.

As infants we attempt to walk.
The first step always filled with terror.
On the second step silence surrounds you.
Only to fall down many times,
And get up twice as many times.
Getting up for more like a heavyweight boxer.

We try to hold our toys,
Like a businessman does his briefcase.
Only for it to slip out of our grasp.
Then our parents carry them for us,
Giving us some doubt about trying again.

As we grow we move on to sports.
Our friends influence us to try,
We take our chances but we may not make the team.
Our hopes of being like our superstar role-models,
Crushed with the decision of one or two people.

As adults you may want to start your own business.
Only to find out your credit is as low as your cholesterol.
Or you can’t find enough employees to hire.
Business may become slow,
And your business’s expenses exceed the revenue.
Your one shot to make your own money,
Make the big decisions,
And most of all be your own boss,

As we become senior citizens,
We usually try to exercise.
Only to realize that we can not move as fast as we used to,
Our stamina is at an all time low,
And that we are not as flexible as we thought
But by that time we’re in the hospital,
Getting X-Rays to see how much damage we have done.

Failure is something that all go through at one point in life.
We aren’t the only species that fails though.
Animals fail at finding food,
Surviving droughts and,
Keeping their young safe.

So next time you fail at doing something,
Know that it is not the end of the world.

Failure, it happens to the best of us.

The author's comments:
You should never let failure hold you back from attempting something. No one would know how good it felt to succeed without having failed at it a few times.

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