Never In Forever | Teen Ink

Never In Forever

May 13, 2009
By HorseGirl SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
HorseGirl SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

~Never In Forever~

He smiles at me.
I wonder what he sees.
Does he always think of me?
Or is this the first time?

I gratefully take his hand in mine,
Though it might not me the same this time,
As it might be in the future.
I see him as a prospect and a dream,
While he sees me as a friend to be.

In his eyes- oh how blue- are a start of something new.
Or at least I think.
For he probably doesn’t see it this way.
I constantly wonder if he will be mine.
Even if we might be underwater.
Though we are not underwater,
But we are surrounded by the blue.
Oh, I forgot, that is just his iris.

I walk beside him now,
Almost feeling like I’m on a cloud.
I try not to die,
As I look into his eyes.

His eyes are filled with soft blue color,
While mine fill with tears.
I ask myself one crucial question.
What about the other?

I truly do not mind,
As his hand lets go of mine.
I finally understand,
What he tells me.
He could never be my man.
Never in forever.

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