Realities | Teen Ink


January 18, 2019
By shume9117 BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
shume9117 BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think- Winnie the Pooh

What's the issue with promoting synthetic perfection in humanity?

How can ordinary individuals make real

Goals, while working their hardest,

And trying their best,

Though it may never match society’s standards?

There is no room to educate from a failure.

The ability to fail,

Is arguably the most important trait of man.

The struggle in climbing a latter, allows an individual to set limits to unique standards,

And only then will goals be realistic.

Without failure, no one will find what they want best.

And finding joy will remain hard.

Self motivation becomes significantly harder,

As everything that has the slightest blemish, is automatically failure.

No sense of impacting, if ideas may not be perceived as the best.

Leaving the potentials within a human,

to be unrealistic.

No ideas will stand.

The way we look has significantly increased in standards.

Being seen by others in natural apparel is deemed hard

Enough, but what reality

Has come to, is not accepting individuals who fail

To look or act a certain way. They are treated as worthless and viewed as inhuman,

Leaving a staggering percentage of this judgemental world to hate their reflections if they perceive them to lack qualities of what is thought of the “best”.

But what is considered the best?

There seems to be no standard.

When individuals are placed within society, some people get handed castles while others are trapped in places considered to be inhumane.

The perfect perceptions of the people who only see a world of poor standards, may be half of the pampered princesses lifestyle, making it hard

For the struggling to have a chance, as the high class fail

To accept that there are realities.

Many have come to the realization,

That it is hopeless to strive to be the best.

They accept that they are a failure

In other’s eyes, but are satisfied with themselves in personal standards.

However, not many can come to this conclusion as its hard

To accept for any man or woman.

Humanity has an unrealistic expectation

That makes it hard to live to the best capabilities.

High standards will only lead to a person, and eventually, a society's failure.

The author's comments:

In this sestina, Realities, my intentions were to inform the reader by giving a perspective of a struggle society is currently dealing with from a veiwpoint of an adolecent. Fitting the form of this sistina is a metaphor of what its like for humanities imperfections to fit into the standard of society, which needless to say is extreamly difficult. Each stanza will take the reader through the various reasons on why terminating the ability to fail will lead to societies in ruins.

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