Why You Should Use Gender-Neutral Language | Teen Ink

Why You Should Use Gender-Neutral Language

June 1, 2021
By asingh213 BRONZE, Nairobi, Please Select
asingh213 BRONZE, Nairobi, Please Select
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Gender-Neutral Language is inclusive to all genders. It should be used to make everyone feel included. We should use gender-neutral language because it works for everyone. The singular word “they” is inclusive of all people. It works for people who identify as male, female, non-binary, or others. When we use “they” for someone’s pronouns we don’t know, it avoids misgendering them. Misgendering lowers one’s confidence on their identity. When assuming someone’s pronouns, it can send a message that your looks define your pronouns. The H.H.S Public access had a study that showed that using a person’s correct pronouns lowers depression and makes that person feel more comfortable.

And this is becoming more applicable to more too. More people are starting to identify with non-binary pronouns. Even companies are taking a stand against binary gender categories. The H.H.S Public Access recently had a survey of what gender everyone identifies with and 0.4% were non-binary. On top of that, the number has been rising since 2016. 

Everyone should be put in the gender category they desire. One reason people refer to just male or female pronouns is that the majority of our population was told that there are only two genders. When someone chooses to identify with an unusual category they should live with that decision and make it a reality. So, people all around the world should learn that you can identify with any gender you feel comfortable with and people should have the right to do so freely. 

Article 19 from the UDHR states “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” So if people have the right to express themselves they should have the right to express their gender even if people didn’t live this way before. 

So, we need to stop misgendering. Misgendering often happens when someone will assume another person’s gender based on their looks, voice, etc. This may seem like a tiny mistake and all fine and dandy after but it is much more than that and here’s why. Misgendering can lower one’s self-esteem when it comes to their identity and can also cause depression and make the person feel less accepted with their identity especially if they have not been accepted with this gender before.

How to stop this? Be gender-neutral. Being gender neutral is simple. We should use the they/them pronoun for people whose pronouns we don’t know and should ask for people’s pronouns kindly to prevent misgendering. When addressing a group of people, we can step away from phrases like “boys and girls'' or “ladies and gentlemen'' or “guys''. We can instead say things like “people” or “everyone”.

Take a stand and be gender-neutral.


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