If I Were Your President, Equal Opportunity Education | Teen Ink

If I Were Your President, Equal Opportunity Education

March 18, 2019
By tenaciousScribe BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
tenaciousScribe BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope. The death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender.

We give tests to kids who wish to get into college, we order them by how many they got correct, we watch as some get accepted while others are rejected. There’s no thought into their work ethic, there’s no thought into any other ability they might have, no thought into what they could achieve if they only got into college. And even if they get into college, they have to pay money for things that they ‘need’ to learn, which they’ll have collect dust on their shelves as they work through their degrees. America should have equal opportunity learning, the results nothing but benefits.

What equal opportunity means is that, depending on the intellectual capability and work ethic of the student, anyone can get into college, without paying for anything. Colleges, universities, and medical schools won’t be tax exempt unless they have a minimum of 35% of students who are low income and passed the entrance exam. This only applies to students who study subjects of national interest and security, such as engineering, medicine, science, language arts, and IT. This does not apply to students studying law, philosophy, music, and business. This also doesn’t apply to those who don’t take their studies seriously. The perks should include books and full lodging, which includes food.

Everyone will benefit from this, but the people who will benefit the most are the American people. Giving more people the opportunity to learn will allow them to eventually get a job in fields that have a lack of manpower. Along with this, they will be giving more money in income tax due to their higher salary and better education. This tax money can go to improve other parts of the country. And to add on to that, this is also a matter of national security. America will be able to hire citizens into fields that concern the safety of the country. Americans educated in the US would and should have a higher sense of patriotism than those who were brought in from other countries, especially from China. This would decrease the change of any espionage from foreign nationals who would’ve been hired to fill these positions.

Along with all of this, debt from student loans is suffocating the college students of this country. Years upon years after gaining their degrees, a student can still be working to pay their loans that they had to take in order to continue learning in college. Instead of pursuing the career of their dreams, that could also launch the country into the future, they have to pick up multiple low-paying jobs in order to pay off their students loans. Everyone should be aware that, in America, the cost of a medical degree can run to the excess of half a million dollars. If students were able to get a degree for free, we’d solve our shortage of doctors, medical specialists, and surgeons.

Another benefit would be that we, as a country, could provide free education to third world countries in our hemisphere. This will improve their living standard and reduce the number of people economic migration into the United States. In 10 to 50 years, people won’t have to migrate all the way to America in order to get the education that they need. Free education is a win, win, win situation for all of us, all across the world.

Anyone who is able and willing to pursue higher education should have the ability to do so. It benefits our country as well as the world. For once in America, everyone will be able to learn as much as the other and stand on equal footing. Be them white or any person of color, be them male or female. No matter who they love or what they might look like, everyone will be able to learn what they wish, with the same ability as anyone else.

The author's comments:

Knowledge is power, and if we don't teach our people anything, then the power that we have as a people will be weakened. And who are we to say that those who seek knowledge should be refused in their pursuit.


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