Not Feeling Worth It | Teen Ink

Not Feeling Worth It

August 27, 2013
By Mo1124 BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
Mo1124 BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Everything will be Ok in the end, if it's not ok then its not the end."

You walk down the halls, you talk to your friends. You go to classes and do pretty good. But as you look around, you feel down on yourself. You think so and so is good at football and Hey! They’re on the Drill team. Wow, she’s really pretty and is on the volleyball team. You look at yourself and think “I don’t really have a thing.” You don’t really have something that your good at, something that people look at and say hey she’s good at that or hey he is really great. Your never feel that way but guess what? There are people around you saying the same thing. That they’re not talented, or that they suck at the sport they play or that their not pretty enough. YOU ARE WORTH IT. Being you is what YOU do best, it’s what you’re truly good at. Don’t discount the wonderful being that is YOU. YOU. Say it, it’s a three letter word that describes the person in the mirror every morning. ARE. Another three letter word that relates to the word be or being. WORTH. A word that means something of value or that is treasured. IT. A two letter word that completes the phrase and lets the world know that you as an individual are special and your life is worth living.

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