Treasure of waukesha county | Teen Ink

Treasure of waukesha county

April 24, 2015
By Josiah Backhaus BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Josiah Backhaus BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In Waukesha County, there’s a place like no other. And this place is a true treasure. Delafield skatepark.
As you approach there’s a small gravel path leading to the smooth concrete surface. Looking up there will be a park filled with talents of all ranges riding the many obstacles to hit. you’re welcomed with birds chirping and boards shredding the pavement. Hardwood, constantly smacking the ground, you’ll learn to love that sound. It makes me calm and Aware i’m in a comfortable place. As you meet all the people skating you realise these people are kind and genuine. There’s a sense of order there, people wait their turn even though there is no rules. And if anyone get’s hurt there’s always a skater or two to make sure you’re alright.As you cruise fast going up and down, side to side, there’s nothing to lose but your pride. Dropping in is a treasure in itself. pumping up then backwards then up then forwards, these fundamentals are important for the half pipe. Knowing how to ride and turn is a must, but once you got it figured out, the true meaning of treasure is known.

The author's comments:

it's about a skatepark

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