Types of Parents | Teen Ink

Types of Parents

December 7, 2014
By nikki1234 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
nikki1234 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There is no tougher job than being a parent. A parent guides, supports, and leads you into adulthood. They are our biggest influencers. Most of the time, they make you want to rip your hair out, and screech at the top of your lungs, but regardless, you still love them unconditionally. Every parenting style is different, because every child is different. There are four types of parents that a person will come across during their life. The different types of parents can be divided into the following categories: the drill sergeant, the helicopter parent, the BFF parent, and the perfect parent.

This is the parent who commands and controls almost every aspect of their child’s life. A ‘drill sergeant’ parent sets countless, unchangeable boundaries for their children. They demand complete compliance from their children. This parent expects perfection and has zero tolerance for disrespect. They are intimidating and threatening, and usually make all of your friends uncomfortable when they come over. These parents tend to have prominent frown and stress lines on their foreheads from the glares that are constantly fixated on their faces. It is almost a miracle to get them to smile, and impossible to make them laugh. If you are unaccustomed to being around a parent like this, you might have to fight off the urge to salute them, or fix your posture. This type of parent may or may not be the scariest person you have ever come across in your life.  A ‘drill sergeant’ parent frequently issues orders to their children with threats like “Or else…” and “Do it now.” The following parent considers everything a privilege, something that can and will be taken away. A parent that falls under this category typically establishes a list of chores that their children must complete with in a certain amount of time, and if their child fails to do so, they must suffer the impending consequences. This parent is not necessarily rude or hurtful, but they most definitely are not your friend. Although, a ‘drill sergeant’ parent is extremely strict, their children are more inclined to thrive due to the predictability of their lifestyle.

A ‘helicopter parent’ is a parent who constantly hovers over their child/children. This is someone who is overly protective of their child. They worry about their children nonstop. A parent that falls under the following category is VERY interested and involved with their child’s education, social life, and extracurricular activities. In addition, a ‘helicopter parent’ is a parent who attempts to fight every one of their children’s battles for them, even if they know that their child was dishonest and wrong. This parent usually makes excuses for their children in attempt to protect them from all the negative aspects of life. They want to preserve their child’s innocence for as long as they possibly can. A parent can be categorized as a ‘helicopter parent’ if they frequently complete their children’s assignments for them, and do not just “revises them.” Having a ‘helicopter parent’ can be bittersweet, although they are looking out for their child’s best interests; their child most likely perceives their protectiveness as endless nagging. At times, this parenting technique can be more harmful than helpful. But even so, ‘helicopter parents’ are ultimately just mothers and fathers who want to ensure that their child is carefree, happy, and most importantly, safe.

A ‘BFF parent’ is a parent who acts like their child’s best friend. This is also someone who can be classified as the ‘I am trying to fill the generation gap’ parent. This type of parent typically does not act or dress age-appropriate (*cough, cough* mid-life crisis.) A ‘BFF parent’ tends to share clothing with their kids, even if the outfit they are borrowing is two… or ten sizes too small. A ‘BFF parent’ wants to be the hip, cool, and laid-back parent. This parent rarely says no to their child and makes excuses like “He/She is just a kid” or “Kids just want to have fun” when their child is being impolite or uncontrollable. They are up to date on all the drama in their children’s lives. A ‘BFF parent’ is a parent with no boundaries, and who shares details about their youngster/teenage years that make you feel really, really awkward, as well as, uncomfortable. They do not hold back. They know information about their children that most parents would cringe at finding out. A parent who falls under this category is someone who follows all the newest trends, and uses social media almost as much as the typical teenager does. This is the parent that does not understand that they are not as young as they use to be.

This is the ideal parent. A ‘perfect parent’ is some who provides you with guidance, support and unconditional love. A ‘perfect parent’ is the epitome of what the average parent should thrive to be. This parent gives their child sincere advice, and shares their personal experiences and feeling with them. The following parent encourages their child to be independent and to work vigorously for what they want to achieve. They want their children to dream big, reach for the stars, and ultimately, be happy. A ‘perfect parent’ also provides their children with messages of strength, responsibility, and respectfulness. A parent in the following category does not solve all their children’s problems, but instead, helps their children find different ways to alleviate the problem. This is someone who allows their children to experience all of life’s consequences…the good and the bad. This parent will always be there for their child, especially when their child feels like every else has abandoned them. A ‘perfect parent’ scolds you when you’re wrong, but rewards you when you do the right thing. They are true role models.

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