I am proud to Be a Southerner. | Teen Ink

I am proud to Be a Southerner.

November 21, 2010
By Anonymous

Being a southerner is something I will never deny. Although my dad is from the North I’m a southerner through and through.
When I was eight I moved up north and well, to say the least I was shocked. Every time I talked to someone they said- “What a cute little Southern accent you have.” I just ignored them. So many times I said ain’t I got strange looks. But worst of all (obviously homeschooling is not as popular up north as down south) every time I told someone I was homeschooled they looked at me like I was from another planet.
Even though I’m back in the South, every Northerner I’ve ever met has said something to the effect of Southerners are crazy or simple. We’re not stupid, we’re not simple. We’re just as smart as the Northerners -if not smarter; we’re just more polite. I am proud to say ain’t. I am proud to have a little bit of a southern accent. I am proud to have once been homeschooled. But most of all I’m proud to be a Southerner.

The author's comments:
I'm not trying to catagorize anybody. I've just never met anyone from up North who seems to be 100% fine with Southerners.

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