Kait | Teen Ink


April 19, 2024
By Kaitlin_Menz BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Kaitlin_Menz BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Kaitlin, a name that sounded familiar but didn’t look or write familiarly. There was no out of the ordinary story behind this name but the typical being named after someone of family importance. This one being my great grandmother. 

My nickname growing up was always “Kait.”. My family members would always call me it. It gave me a sense of warmth and validation of the close relationship I nurtured with my family. Being called it at my age now brings a little different meaning. I carried along the memories while still carrying the close relationship aspect that I value most. 

The true meaning of my name really crossed my attention as I never questioned why it wouldn’t be the correct name. I couldn't imagine myself being some of the names my parents told me they were considered for me. Kaitlin, in the true world, means pure. Pure means not mixed or adulterated with any other substance or material. In name perspective, it means clean, transparent, and true. Of course as I was young, I was never able to develop or look into my name applied to my traits and true fitting personality, but as I have grown older and richer in experiences It has grown more important to me. 

The color that I think associates best with my name is blue. Blue represents a transparent color that is clean and reflects pure qualities. Blue is found all around us and is part of some of the world's most beautiful places. This could be the ocean, the sky, anything. Both are calm and pure aspects of life. And a few unique aspects here and there which represent the different spelling of my name which tends to draw a lot of attention.

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