First Dog | Teen Ink

First Dog

March 8, 2023
By Anonymous

It was a silent and frosty night, and it felt like a small glimpse of Heaven. The engine of the car sounded like it was never going to end. The car finally came to a silent end. We stop at our driveway. The light from the garage is so bright I cannot see. My dad opens the door, and then we see him, he is a small but adorable thing, not fat, but not fit. I immediately realize how cute he is, and my emotions are overflowing with love for him.  I take one look and realize he is a dog, black and white, and is also small and looks cute, I think to myself. This will be my first memory of him, but it won't be my last. 
It was a cold and nice day. I was inside and my parents thought of an idea,  
“Let’s name our dog something different. We don’t really like the name Kaido”.  
In my head I was thinking what other name we would give him. I went downstairs and that’s when we decided on his new name. After a bit of thinking and deciding we found a name that suited him best, which was Samson. 
Then one day he tried to run away. It was a hot summer day, I was out working in the backyard, and we were going in and out of the fence that we use. So, after a while we let the dogs go out back, and I thought the gate was closed fully,but it wasn’t. So, Samson jumped onto the gate causing it to open, and when it opened, I sprinted after him. When he got closer to our garage my dad opened the garage door and grabbed Samson to bring him back inside. It was a close call, and he could've escaped.  

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