Listen to a life | Teen Ink

Listen to a life

January 21, 2022
By Aiden_17 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Aiden_17 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My grandpa is someone who  has been through ups and downs and after all those times he's still a bright soul who puts others before himself. 

He has gone through many hard times, he dealt with cancer, him and my grandma, death, bankruptcy, and many more. The one thing he has never done was show you when he's down. When things are the worst he still makes time to call me and takes me on trips and be so happy, after the business first went under he still didn’t want to change  things like the trips we would go  on, he still took me on a fishing trip to canada the year everything happened. I know sometimes he wasn’t the happiest but that isn’t what it is about. It's the fact that  when he was at his lowest he didn’t let that affect him on how he treated someone, he always made sure my grandma was happy and that he life didn’t change by getting her nales done, hair done, new cars, and everyday needs. There have been plenty of times most people would have given up and let someone or something get the best of them, not him. He went from being a big car lot owner to losing everything. He never once snapped on anyone or let out his anger. Money didn’t get the best of him. He had confidence and knew he was going to be okay, which lots of people can’t do. 

He was going through those hard times and so was my family with many different things but he was still the person to call me and make sure I was doing okay when he had his fair share of problems, this made me appreciate him so much more than I did. I have learned many lessons from watching him and I hope that someday I will be lucky enough to be half the Dad, Grandpa and man he.My Grandpa has taught me a lot. He is someone I look up to and want to be like when I'm older. He has shown me how to be a good man. He's shown me how you treat a woman.

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Im a male.

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