The Lego I Carry | Teen Ink

The Lego I Carry

October 14, 2021
By Anonymous

Do you have anyone in your life you couldn't imagine living without? That one person who makes you laugh so hard you can't breathe. Or maybe they are the person you always run to when something great happens because you know they will be just as happy as you are. The kind of person when you swear to keep a secret and not tell anyone they are the first person you tell. My person is my best friend. He is the person that always understands how I feel. I could spend every day with him and not get tired of him.

The thing I carry was given to me as a gift from my special person. It's red like your favorite car and it's small like a ladybug. It feels like two quarters stacked between your fingers. It is attached to a bracelet, silver like a freshly washed spoon, and has little chain links that look like cheerios. It weighs about the same as a feather but emotionally it weighs the same as a bowling ball. Given to me by a boy with blonde golden hair and ocean blue eyes as a gift for valentines day. It happened when I walked to my garage down a long hallway filled with pictures of my childhood. I reach for the door and see there is a blue car waiting for me. The air is cold and I can see the warmth of my breath in the air. I squint as I look around because the snow looks like a giant flashlight shining in my eyes. I start to shiver as I make my way to the car. My shoes start to get wet from the melted snow and I finally reach the car. The handle is covered in ice and freezes my hands when I touch it. I finally make my way into the car and my whole body goes numb from the warmth of the car.

He smiled at me as I got into the car. I hugged him and felt his fluffy hair against my cheek. He looked at me with beautiful blue eyes that are slightly covered by his hair almost as if he doesn't realize how beautiful they are. He smiles at me flashing his perfect teeth causing me to have butterflies in my stomach. I look and see there is a black box the size of a deck of cards on the armrest in between us. A million thoughts start to race through my head trying to decipher what it could possibly be. Finally, I come up blank and decide to just open the box, and inside are two red lego pieces that are connected in order to make a heart. My heart starts to beat fast as I nearly pass out from excitement. I pull the legos out of the box and realize they are connected to chains. At this moment I have never been so happy to receive a gift that just so happens to be a simple piece of plastic.

How was this such a major impact in my life though? For as long as I can remember I have always been the person who bought gifts for people but never expected anything in return. I am the kind of person that always cares more about a friendship or relationship than the other person and after a while, I started to just accept the fact that I would always be that person. Of course, I got gifts here and there but only if I asked them to and even at that I didn't think they actually did it out of kindness for me. But here I was in this car staring at two pieces of plastic that showed that this one person did in fact care for me the same way I did. He not only understands everything about me but also manages to make me feel like there are people out there who will return the favor and who will show that I am loved. I wear this lego every day and never take it off because it reminds me that there is someone that will put me before them. Sure it is a simple lego but the person who gave me it is the reason why I always carry it.

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