The Peppermint Preparation | Teen Ink

The Peppermint Preparation

October 14, 2021
By marinaspeweik BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
marinaspeweik BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The bell rang as the clock struck 7:30 am. Everyone began to take their seats in the old, uncomfortable desks. Our teacher began to speak and the kids in the class all started to quiet down to hear what she had to say. Looking around the small, crowded classroom of students, I see others panicking and looking over their neatly organized chapter notes at the last minute. Knowing I had totally forgotten about this test, I panicked and tried to skim over what we had learned to the best of my ability. We were then told to put away our notes and grab a calculator and pencil. The quotes around the room and the led lights mesmerized me and gave me some sense of security. The teacher picked up the thick stack of warm, freshly printed pieces of paper and walked over to each desk passing out the thing that was going to plummet my grade. She makes her way over to my row and then explains to the class what you were required to do for each section. She then announces, “You may begin.”
Her brown hair whipped away as she returned to her desk. The Chuck Taylor Converse sneakers that were plastered to her feet squealed in unison with the pivot she made. As she set the rest of the papers on the crowded work surface, she reached for the blue chair and settled in as the air slowly was released from the pressure of her thin body. She overlooked the whole class and reminded others that talking was prohibited after test sheets were given. She sat confidently and comfortably as every child in the class panicked. She had faith in each and every one of the nervous students, knowing they had watched the long videos she created for them. She looked away and let the students get to work. Her face lifted with joy as each individual picked up their pencil and started on the test. Well, all except one. Me.
As I sat in the cold, rigid chair in my honors pre-calculus class, I began to lose focus. I stare at the long and challenging test in front of me. I then remember what was going to help me through this test. My gum. I reach for the very front pocket of my bookbag and unzip the zipper that is keeping the gum hostage. My bookbag makes a high pitched noise as I tear the zipper open. I stick my hand into the front pocket and feel around at my cold car keys, and the old, clear, crunchy, loud cellophane wrap from my old gum pack. Suddenly I hit the pointy, smooth, square package of gum. I grasp tightly onto it and remove it from my bookbag.
Noticing the cellophane still suffocating the package of gum, I find a loose corner and I begin to rip the corner downward. The cellophane squeaked and created a distraction for everyone else around me. I then fully removed the wrap, and squeezed it tightly in my hand. I shoved the cellophane back into my navy blue bookbag and dragged my thumb along the cardboard gum pack to open it up. The fresh smell of peppermint attacked my nose, and I automatically felt relieved. I picked a piece out of the pack and set it on the cold, hard desk. I closed the pack and returned it back to my bookbag.
I glared at the silver gum wrapper and slowly unwrapped the piece of gum. My fingers were covered in the dry, white cornstarch that covered the blue piece of the malleable, smooth gum. I popped the peppermint gum into my mouth and started to chomp down on it. The sweet juices excite my taste buds as I continue to chew. I feel the pressure and stress leave my body as I look back at my wordy test. I pick up my mechanical pencil and pump some lead down from the top eraser. I pull my yellow, school bus looking calculator from my bag, and slide it open. I look at the first problem and I automatically remember exactly what I am supposed to do. The memory of all of the past notes and practices came flooding back to me.
With each bite on the gum I felt more and more relaxed. Taking each problem one by one, I gently moved the gum around in my mouth. The gears in my brain shifted and there was no stopping me. Eventually I got to a question that stumped me the slightest bit. I started chewing more furiously and the peppermint flavor started to escape my taste buds. The end of the class was near and I was getting nervous about not finishing the test to my full ability. I sprang out of my chair and quickly hustled my way over to the trash can. I pelted my gum into the waste bin and scurried back to my chair. At this point I knew I needed to insert another piece of gum into my mouth. I knew eyes were already on me and unzipping my bookbag with the crunchy cellophane wrap was going to make it worse. But, I knew I needed to finish this test. Once again, I reach for the very front pocket of my bookbag and unzip the zipper. I quickly remove the gum from the pocket and whip open the cardboard package. I slip a piece of gum out and separate the gum from the wrapper. I gently place the gum into my mouth and my taste buds start to dance. Looking back at the problem, it starts to come to me easier. I make inferences and do what I know best. I chew on the gum, write down my work for the problem, and then check over my answers. Confidently, I strut to the front of the ice cold room, and place my test in a black hole of other tests. Returning to my seat, I let a deep breath of air out and looked at the gum pack I left on my desk. This was my saving grace. This was the key to my success.
From here on out, my success can only climb. Finding out what worked for me has shown great growth in myself. From this point forward, test days will consist of me ripping that package of gum open, and throwing gum in my mouth like it's nobody’s business. I believe that in the future gum will be the main thing keeping me grounded and concentrated during times of doubt. No matter how hard or how easy an assignment is, I will always be sure to have my motivation with me. But really, who would’ve thought that at 7:30 am that morning, I would be stressing over a test with the solution just a foot away from me.

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