Jean Jacket | Teen Ink

Jean Jacket

May 27, 2021
By Anonymous

A normal day like any other, I was heading to my fourth period lunch at Central Crossing high school through the same, old hallways. The lunchroom was loud and smelled like disgusting lunch food. I heard the screaming and talking of people around me. When I got to the blue table there was a girl who sat near me, she walked over to me. Who I later learned her name was Laura, said something to me. I noticed her short shoulder purple hair stood out, her tall stature made her seem like a giant compared to my short stature. Before that day I didn’t talk to her, I just saw her. She looked at me and said,

``Wait, that was you, with the undercut?”and I told her,

“I was walking behind you and told my friend that i thought you were gay and that I thought you were cute”.

 At that moment I didn’t know what to say. In that moment I felt a spark between us like something was there. Laura, strong and independent, was worried about how this friendship would go. Laura is like a diamond in the ruff. She is tough and in the ruff of life.

As the week went on we talked more and more and ended up realizing we shared common interests like movies and music. The bond between us became so strong that she would walk me to my art class. The long and narrow hallways were crowded with people but Laura was by my side. Then I knew something was special about her, I didn’t know what but she was special. I remember the gay jokes she would make during lunch. The jokes are like a pride flag. Her pride shows through every word of who she is.

After one or two weeks, it is the beginning of the school day and I'm walking to French in room 123 and Laura comes beside me and tells me the news that she is leaving. She tells me that her dad is sending her to an all girls catholic school to help her with her mental health and everything she has gone through. 

At the end of the day, I was walking outside with her jean jacket around my waist. The Jean jacket was blue, with a couple rips which made it have a home-like feel. I felt as though she was still with me. When I touched the jacket it felt rugged yet soft and comfortable, it was long and way too big for me. When I got to my mom’s camry she asked where I got the jacket. My mom is like a puzzle while looking at me. She is confused and mixed up as she sees a jacket that I don't own. I told her a part of Laura’s story and she felt bad for Laura and me because of how hard it is for someone to lose a great friend so quickly. My mom washed the  jean jacket and one day I hope that Laura will get to meet my mom, and for her to help her because Laura has never had a mother figure. 

Throughout Laura’s life she has been through hell and back. I would have never imagined what it would have been like. Her family is not supportive of who she is and causes a lot of stress on her everyday but we both know it will be worth it when she is back, cheerful and stronger than before.

November 17th, 2020 was the last time I saw Laura. In 8th period she gave me her jean jacket, then she gave me a hug before she left. She smelled like flowers and comfort, her hands shaking, as she gave me a loving hug. Her life is like a flower. The petals slowly falling off onto the ground. The room, staring and sort of judgemental not knowing what happened and it became dead became silent. I gazed at the jacket and I noticed a note, I held on to the jacket like she was there. When I touched the jacket it made me feel a wave of sadness and comfort. We shall be together in the end. We shall be together no matter the cost. 

When I later got home, I read the note which said,

“We’ll see eachother again and we will have the best time. I will give you a good time. It’s all gonna be good. I will see you again! Be safe, I will be strong for you. You better be strong for me” towards the end of the letter it said “I was curious for you, from the start you caught my attention”. I noticed her handwriting was amazing and neat, which I would have never expected from her. On the outside of the note it said “Bagel girl aka Autumn”, that was a nickname she always called me.

After that day, we emailed and started talking on a google doc since she was not in school. We talked about a range of things from food to personal stuff. When Laura turns 18 on October 11th we will do everything we wanted together. We wanted to look at the stars, together, under the shining night sky on the bed of a truck. Watch gay movies together, have dance parties and basically live our lives together. When thinking about it, I hear songs blaring as we dance, I could taste the mac and cheese Laura always made for lunch.
I got to know more about her and what she has gone through and we both know she will get through it because she has a motivation, me and she is my motivation to get through it. 

She would tell me,

 “We will get through this and I'll make it through for you.”. I would always reply with, “I will wait for you till the end when we can see each other again.”

Soon enough, one day I checked the doc and it was gone and so were our emails. To this day I still think that she no longer has her chromebook to keep on emailing me from her old school email. I have no way to contact her to know if she is ok. I couldn't really face the fact that she is gone and I have no way to reach her.

I would have never thought someone could make such an impact in my life so fast, but it is possible. Knowing Laura will be back sometime brings me hope that there are good things in life even with all the terrible.

What I learned is that there may be hope in life but it doesn’t come easily, It takes time. You have to put the effort in to make it happen. For me, I hope that Laura comes back better than she came but I have to wait and see. She is worth waiting for no matter how long.

She is broken and hopefully when she comes back she will be better, happier, glad she made it.

The author's comments:

This piece is about a dear friend of mine.

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