The Story of an Average Lawyer | Teen Ink

The Story of an Average Lawyer

May 15, 2011
By Anonymous

Q: Hi. Nice to meet you. What is your name, age, and occupation?
A: Hello, I am Casey, I am 48 years old, and I am an injury lawyer.
Q: What was the first job you wanted while growing up?
A: While growing up, I always wanted to be involved in sports. The job I wanted most would either be an athletic trainer for football, or a sports announcer, since I liked speaking.
What high school and what college did you go to?
A: I went to Romeoville High School, and The University of Illinois.
Q: Where was your first home out of college?
A: Out of College, I had a studio apartment in Chicago, right next to Wrigley field. Even though it was probably too small for me, I enjoyed being in the downtown area.
Q: How many jobs did you go through until you found this one?
A: Well, I used to be a lawyer for another law firm in Chicago. Once I moved into the Aurora area, I realized that after a while my job was too far to be driving an hour each way, and I wanted to be closer to home. I decided to open up my own law firm closer to home so I could be near my family and spend more time with them.
Q: How many years have you owned your own law firm?
A: I have owned my own law firm for around 12 years.
Q: Are you happy with workers?
A: Yes, I am very happy to see how far we have come as a firm in the time that we have been together. We have a great team of lawyer’s and workers.
Q: What is your favorite part about your job?
A: My favorite part of my job is probably helping out other people, who are hurt and are in need of assistance.
Q: What’s your least favorite part about your job?
A: My least favorite part about my job is firing people. I also am disappointed when I lose a case in court because then I feel like a weight has been put on my shoulders since I haven’t helped the person who was injured get anywhere.
Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
A: I see myself still working hard at my job, because simply it makes me happy and I wouldn’t want any other job.
Q: What are some benefits and non-beneficial parts of your job?
A: Benefits are it’s a great job, I get to work with great people every day, and I love the feeling of knowing I helped someone other than myself to get better. Non beneficial parts are long and hard work days, which sometimes don’t end until 10 at night.
Thank you for letting me interview you.


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