Kyle: The Sleepwalker | Teen Ink

Kyle: The Sleepwalker

January 4, 2011
By AliaEvelyn SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
AliaEvelyn SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Kyle, 17, is many things: the athlete, the loud comic, the little sister, but she was dubbed a new nickname at a basketball camp during the summer after her eighth grade year.

She was rooming with three other players in a suite-style dorm. On the third night of camp, Kyle mysteriously found herself outside the room. Confused and anxious to go back to bed, she knocked on the door for one of her roommates to let her in. No one heard. She was locked out.

“So I counted the bricks. I counted to 1,000. I practiced walking in a straight line in case I was ever pulled over. And it was still the most boring experience of my life.”

Luckily, after three hours in the hallway, a roommate decided to shower at five that morning and heard Kyle knocking. She let her back into the room. Kyle promptly retired to her greatly-missed bed and slept until breakfast.

“Basically I was the talk of the camp the next morning,” Kyle said.
And she was. As her team huddled together before their first game, the conversation was not about the game plan.

“The coaches asked ‘Did you hear about the sleepwalker?’”

“I am the sleepwalker,” Kyle said, as the rest of her team laughed and broke the huddle to start the game.

Her team played average. Their record wasn’t memorable.
“People were looking at me left and right and were like, ‘Psst. That’s the sleepwalker.’”

Though the story of her unconscious wandering got her noticed, she didn’t want another long, sleepless night.
“For the next night, I decided I would sleep with a lanyard around my wrist.”
Maybe now she’ll have a new name?the lanyard girl. But the sleepwalker is more interesting, and someone the other players will never forget.


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