A Mothers Love | Teen Ink

A Mothers Love

January 26, 2010
By actionjackson BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
actionjackson BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

After the loss of her first child she quit her job. Then she was pregnant with me, she was the happiest mother ever.

We spent a lot of time together playing with my favorite toys or changing my diaper. But the best part was when she read me stories. My favorite one was I Love you This Much it was my favorite because I love my mom that much. Then my favorite movie was George of the Jungle, I watched that movie five times a day.

Then I was getting potty trained after a while I was getting use to it. One day my mom decided to go back to work. So that meant I had to go to daycare. I wasn’t even fully potty trained, so when ever I went to daycare I would end up going in my pants. When my mom would come to pick me up I would still be soaking wet. My mom was furious, and I would cry when she would drop me off and it broke her heart. Then we tried a better daycare, but financially it wasn’t worth it.

Then she came back to staying with me. At the time I was four my mom put me in soccer. But a year later I started playing baseball and I knew that was my sport. My mom liked that because she was the coach.

Then it was time to start kindergarten. I remember the first day my mom and I were walking to my classroom, I was so nervous, but at least I had my mom with me. My teacher was Mrs. Coffee she was the best. My mom was pretty much like the assistant teacher she did everything. I was always with my mom no matter what I guess you can say I was a mama’s boy.

I was getting ready to start first grade, and my mom decided since I will be in school all day, my mom wanted to start a new career. She has been working there ever since.


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