A Different Perspective | Teen Ink

A Different Perspective MAG

By Anonymous

   It's true, Operation Desert Storm has affected us all and is a troubling crisis, but this global problem is disrupting everyone's lives.

First, we have the news coverage. After the news of the attack first broke, the networks began a non-stop news coverage marathon, trying to outdo each other, sprinting to the finish line. For hours and days on end, Americans stared at their television sets while countless diplomats and politicians were interviewed. What were the predictions? Any new information? The networks, along with CNN, asked themselves these questions. Even the viewers noticed the repetition. Every half hour the same news would be repeated. Rather, Brokaw and Jennings were groping for new things to talk about, new information to give out. By the way, was there ever a day that a Washington official has not given a press conference at 1 or 3: 30 p.m.?

For the first time ever, the public was thanking their lucky stars that someone invented commercials. After that non-stop news, a simultaneous "Thank You!" was heard across the nation when the networks first broke for commercials. But, alas, relief was short-lived. During every network break, the local news would come on the air and repeat the same information. America was overdosed on extreme news coverage!

George Bush made a not-so-enlightening State of the Union address on January 29. What was the state of the Union? Well, the Union was in fine shape, a little dog-eared at the edges, but no states were planning to secede at the time. As for the condition of the country, what breathing human did not know that things were slightly disrupted at the time. Even an aware and intelligent history teacher asked, "Did he say anything? I listened for an hour and didn't hear anything."

As always, there are petty grievances like the ones above, but what really matters is the concern we all feel. We send our best to the troops overseas and all wish for a quick resolution to this crisis. We are all affected.

I, in particular, want to send my love and best wishes to my stepbrother, Private Todd Nolan. I've got a yellow ribbon just for you, Todd. n

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i love this so much!