Soul searching | Teen Ink

Soul searching

March 3, 2013
By Anonymous

a soul-mate is somebody who mends your broken heart by giving you theirs..but is it enough? Is my undying love enough to keep this together or is it just destine to fail like the rest. We spend our entire live's believing in story's and fairy-tale's about a princess or prince finding their''s. Some times it happens..there are plenty of people who have over come the trials of time and people, but others... aren't so lucky. Most of us are afraid to even consider falling in love and being growing old with somebody, some of us are just scared. When i finally got the girl of my dreams i was beyond happy, still am, but my fears and worries from the past that have scared me deeper then any cut i got as a kid have taken a tole on it.
Good healthy relationships involve trust, which isn't a one-way street, without it; failure. Communication is key also. There are so many things that make a great relationship but the small things we can't let go of will tear it down like the Berlin wall. Once you truly believe you found your soul-mate, once you two connect on a entirely different level then you can be happy and let go of all those fears. Trust me, lighting your ex girlfriend's stuff on fire wont get ride of those fears.

The author's comments:
The picture i found of Jack and Sally on FB inspired me to write this. Also, me and girlfriend are going though a rough time..which brought me to this.

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