Happy Trip, Nikki | Teen Ink

Happy Trip, Nikki

August 21, 2008
By Anonymous

I sat on the bench which surrounds the pine tree that bears hundreds of pines and thin leaves that fall abundantly like tear drops from the sky.
It was an ordinary dayb for all the people here in our rural town but for me it's an important day because I went back to the school where I spent my secondary level of education, I think it's not only my high school life but i shall call it the best chapter of my life.
I remembered my happyn memories I cherished with my jolly friends when we were still in high shool. We used to sit on that bench and tell stories about our crushes, families, our problems and even our deepest secrets. We used to eat our snacks there during our free times. That's why that bench became our favorite spot in the school. After our food trip, we always go to the library to browse the books and do our homeworks. We used to read there, and sometimes to sleep. When it's our vacant day we used to visit the houses of our friends and relax ourselves.
All of these are just bits of my magnificent past sensations during my high school life. Well, many people say that if there are happy memories there are still also contrasts to it.
Our friend Nikki died of leukemia at the end of the school year. I was shocked when I have recieved thid unbelievable news. She was still strong, stronger than an eagle, whwn i last saw her before our vacation. I cried, big drops of tears fell and flowed down on my face. I haven't even knew about it. I haven't even knew that she was diagnosed of that killer disease. I wasn't able to help her nor say my "Thank you" to her. It was late for me to know about that.
I attended her burial and I saw all my friends there. All of us cried for the death of our true friend.But then we realized something about it, Nikki would not like us to cry when she leaves.
I looked at the sky with tears on my eyes and said to her, "Happy trip Nikki."
I realized that all of the things on this world are created with two faces: if there is success, there is failure; if there is right, there is also wrong; and when there is joy, there is sorrow.

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