Testimony for Life | Teen Ink

Testimony for Life

October 20, 2022
By Anonymous

All lives matter.

This is not just a hot-button statement to counter “Black Lives Matter.”  

All lives matter encapsulates those of every race, ethnicity, ability, economic status, and age. Even those unborn.

It is true that 625,346 lives were lost just last year as a result of “choice”. They did not have a choice. Their lives mattered.

Did they not? Were they just parasites to be removed, or “mistakes”.

Nobody is a “mistake”.

“Mistakes” do not exist.

No life is a burden.

Every life is worth living.

To believe that some would say life is not worth living because it is not painless is infuriating.

Newsflash, no life is painless.

“Even darkness must pass, a new day will come, and when the sun shines, it will shine out the clear.”

The sun will shine through, no matter the dark.


When Roe vs. Wade was passed in 1973, it resulted in a 49 year darkness. But the light shone through on June 24, 2022 at the doors of Hampton Court, where surrounded by those with equal respect for the life of the defenseless, Roe was overturned, saving the lives of countless.

That day, tears almost streamed down my face. Out of sadness for those who were not able to see the results of this day, but also for the future of the post-Roe generation. I did not care that I lost many friends because of my reaction to this historical event. I still do not care that some treat me as a pariah for this. I am not so weak that I will allow these people to steamroll across my morals. I am not diminished by the effort to ostracize me, I am impowered. I am empowered to know that others see what I believe, in the hopes that eventually it will begin to change someone’s mind. I am empowered that I did not fall to their pressure, just because they do not want to acknowledge my presence. I am empowered to know that I have my Fellowship, carrying with me of the knowledge of the truth. The truth is that unborn lives matter. My oldest brother mattered when he was born with severe disabilities. I mattered when I would not have survived birth, if not for medical assistance. Every life, young and old, born, and unborn, matters.

Life matters.

“It is nothing to die, it is frightful not to live.”

Use it.

The author's comments:

This is a very controversial topic, especially with the recent overturn. But it should not be controversial, it should be standard. I am more than happy to civilly discuss this topic with anyone. 

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