My ADHD | Teen Ink


October 16, 2022
By Anonymous

Throughout my life, people have told us that everyone should learn and act the same and that those who don't are different, though we shouldn't use that word. We were taught that being "normal" meant you could sit and do the same thing for hours on end every day without question. While some can do that and learn that way those of us who can not were told that we have an issue. We were pushed down until we thought the way our brains worked was a problem like we were defective. I love my ADHD brain, I love the hyper-fixations and how they make me feel. I love that my thoughts make people laugh when I say them out loud. I love that I don't make every day the same. Some things are annoying of course like forgetting where I put things or that I made tea two hours ago and never drank it only to forget it in the microwave when I do remember it. School has always been something I was interested in, something about learning and expanding my world has always been a large part of my life. I love that I learn in ways some don't. It allows me to pick up on other things that people leave out. I do truly think that If I didn't have ADHD I wouldn't be able to do the things I love as much as I get to. From doodling in my geometry notes to writing creative fiction when I get home from school my hobbies flourish. Hyper-fixating on something new is always exciting, it's awful when it goes away but while it's here I learn about a whole world I wouldn't have before. School was made to show you what you can do when you really try, it shows kids what they can accomplish. The only way to maintain this is to adapt and grow with each generation, not all of us learn the same, and those of us who are considered different simply learn in a new and exciting way.

The author's comments:

This is just my thoughts on my own experience.

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