Benefits of Social Media | Teen Ink

Benefits of Social Media

May 31, 2022
By Anthony_Mitrakos BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
Anthony_Mitrakos BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On an average day, people average around 5-6 hours on their phone, within these hours, 2 ½ of that time is spent on social media.  Many people see social media as an issue, as it is too addicting and is ruining this generation.  However, those videos and tweets people see on social media aren't all just entertainment.  In the world, multiple issues get ignored, such as human rights, climate change, gender equality, discrimination, migration, poverty, which are just a few to name.  Social media is a platform which allows people to spread awareness on these issues.  Specifically, one issue is the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, but social media became a platform to spread awareness.  Furthermore, social media has positives benefits that outweigh the negatives because it can be used for good in altering the public to current events and issues.

To begin with, social media is more positive than negative because it allows Ukrainian people to show the conditions they are living with during this time and help spread awareness.  This can be supported from the article “Ukrainians Deftly Wield New Weapon of War: Social Media”, stating  “It has also helped Ukrainians feel they can contribute to the fight. Solomiia Shalaiska, a Kyiv-based graphic designer, said she felt helpless until she started posting pro-Ukraine rally images on an Instagram page she previously used for art and design” (Harwell And Lerman 2)  To emphasize, they are saying that social media allows people to feel like they are contributing to the fight, by spreading awareness.  Continuing, the same article states “a man was recorded removing an explosive mine by hand while puffing a cigarette” (Harwell And Lerman 4).  In other words, the video shows challenges that they must face, which in this case they are dealing with a bomb, which is spreading awareness of the living conditions of Ukrainian people.   Following this, another example stated by the article “Ukrainians Deftly Wield New Weapon of War: Social Media” says “minutes after cluster bombs plunged into a neighborhood in Ukraine’s second-biggest city, Kharkiv, people nearby used social media to document the grisly aftermath” (Harwell Lerman 4).  It follows that the way awareness is spreaded in Ukraine, by how people insteadly start videoing for social media.  Therefore, these examples show how social media is more positive than negative due to its capability of allowing people to show the conditions they are living in.  

 Supporting this claim, social media is more positive than negative because it also allows women to show women are equal to men, even during war, spreading awareness about sexism.  According to the text, “Ukrainians Deftly Wield New Weapon of War: Social Media” it states “...posted a photo of herself barefoot and holding a Kalashinikou rifle to instagram and twitter saying, “our #women will protect our soil the same way as our #men” (Harwell Lerman 3).  Concluding that the women of Ukraine would fight too, fighting the sexist stereotype that they will rely on men.  Backing this up, the article also stated “the Ukrainian rockstar Andriy Khlyvnyuk and a former Miss Ukraine, Anastasiia Lenna, also posted photos of themselves with guns in hand” (Harwell Lerman 4).   In short, the women are using social media to spread awareness of the Ukraine and Russia conflict, while fighting the sexist stereotype.   In conclusion, this shows how social media is more positive than negative due to its capability of allowing Ukrainian women to show how women are equal to men, equal during war.  

Finally, social media is more positive than negative because it allows Ukrainian people to spread inspiring actions that have happened to strengthen and inspire Ukraine and its people, yet alone the whole world.  According to to the article “Ukrainians Deftly Wield New Weapon of War: Social Media”, the article states “After Russian media suggested that he had fled the country, Zelensky shared a video of himself and his top offficals together in central Kyiv: “We’re all here.  Our soldiers are here.  Our citizens are here. ?  And it will stay that way”  (Harwell Lerman 5).  Ultimately, this action on social media by Zemansky sent a reminder that Ukraine isn’t going down without a fight.  Continuing with this, the article stated “After Zelensky said 13 guards on Snake Island, an outpost in the Black Sea, had “died heroically” after radioing a passing Russian warship to “go f-- yourself.” the viral story was heralded as a rallying cry for the history books” (Harwell Lerman 7).  To put it bluntly, this act struck many people since it started a “rallying cry” which inspired many people.  A final action of bravery in the article stated “...when a woman was recorded admonishing Russian soldiers to carry seeds “so at least sunflowers will grow here when you die”’ (Harwell Lerman 2).  As a result, this action on spreaded across social media inspiring Ukraine that even though the odds are against them, they can still win this war.  After all, this shows how social media is more positive than negative because it can be used as a platform to inspire and strengthen the spirit of Ukraine.

In conclusion, the positives of social media outweigh the negative due to the capability to spread awareness of issues happening around the world.   However, some people simply just don’t care.  On the other hand, in general it is important to know what is happening in the world.  In general, maybe 2 ½ hours of social media a day isn’t that bad after all.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece for English class, hope it good.

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