Get Over It | Teen Ink

Get Over It

February 11, 2014
By Sara Ebert BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Sara Ebert BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can relate to Kimberly Vance when she wrote about dealing with a tough heartbreak in her article, "Get Over It." When dealing with these heartbreaks, it can take months to get over that person, which can lead to depression. The people that care for me tell me just to move on because that guy is stupid for liking me, but the truth is the don't understand how I really feel towards him. The flashbacks of us that constantly play in my head are tearing me apart. Everyone tells me that these high school relationships mean nothing, but everything means something to me.
Thank you, Kimberly for expressing this topic in such a way that everyone can relate to.

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