Get a lot of goals | Teen Ink

Get a lot of goals

January 16, 2014
By Anonymous

Get a lot of Goals

I kicked the soccer ball into the net and missed for the third time. “What’s wrong Justin?” my coach asked.
“I don’t know,” I replied. I took another shot and made it. I couldn’t help glancing at that new kid. He was getting way more shots than me. I jogged over to my friend Alex. “I don’t want to sit on the sidelines at the championship game!” I complained
“I am sure that you are going to make it,” he encouraged me.
“That’s it for today!” coach shouted, “I’ll tell you who is going to play at champs, tomorrow at practice.”
“You know that you need cleats for champ?” I asked Jake the new kid.
“Yeah,” he replied.
My mom picked me up after practice. I played soccer with my dog until I remembered that I still had some math homework. I fished my homework and went to bed.
“Hi, do know a good store around here. I need new cleats for soccer.” Jake asked the next day after school.
“Yes there is a cool Nike store just around the corner,” I told him. We walked to the store and took a look at the shoes. He picked a pair up and tried them on. “Are you going to buy them?” the store attendant asked.
“I just have to go home and get some money,” Alex replied
“Ok we have opened until eight. You can come back at any time,” the store attendant said. We left the store, and I walked home, to get my soccer equipment. My mom drove me to soccer practice. I got out of the car and jogged onto the field. At that moment Coach shouted “Alex, Max, Jake, Michael, Andrew, Billy, Justin, and Matt. You guys are playing at champs. Now let’s start practice.”
“We both made it!” Alex said. Today practice was fun and easy today because we have champs tomorrow.
“Jake, make sure you wear your cleats to the game tomorrow,” said coach
“I forgot got them at home today,” Jake replied, and walked into the locker room. We were all in the locker rooms, and Jake was just about to leave:
“First you buy those cool cleats, and then you just forget them at home?”
“I was in a hurry after I bought them,” Jake replied.
“You probably didn’t even buy them!” I said in a mean way.
“Yes I did why else would I tell you that I did?”
“Because you don’t want to admit that you don’t have them,” I told him. Everybody started laughing, and Jake ran out of the locker room.
I was eating dinner with my mom, grandpa, and my sister. My dad got killed in a car accident when I was small. I barely knew him. My older sister is in high school and usually has basketball practice. It isn’t very often, that my family has a dinner like this one.
“Today I went to lunch with Donald after the tennis game and something strange happened,” Grandpa said.
“What happened?” Mom asked.
Grandpa continued, “The waitress was serving us as a lady walked in with her crying son. The waitress gave us our food, and walked to her son. We were close enough to hear what they were talking about. The lady worked at the Nike shop and she told the waitress that her son tried to steal a pair of soccer cleats.”
“Who was it?” I asked
“The boys name was Jake or Jack. They are probably new, I haven’t seen them around. He is about your age, I think. The store didn’t press any charges, because the waitress already has money problems. That was nice of them,” grandpa replied.
“How can someone do that? Isn’t it OK if you play soccer in sneakers?” Mom wondered
“I am tired I’ll go to bed,” I said and left the dinning room. When I arrived upstairs my dog Jax appeared.
“I didn’t want Jake to steal those soccer cleats. I didn’t realize I pushed him to do that.” I told Jax “I am a bully and I didn’t realize until now.” I felt good to tell someone what I did.
“Good night Jax,” I told him and went to bed.
The next day we were on the field. The game is going to start in ten minutes.
“Does anybody know were Jake is? He was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago,” coach said.
“There he comes” Max said
“What is wrong Jake?” coach asked
“I hurt my foot last night” Jake replied
“Let me see,” coach said
“Leave me alone!” he said and ran off.
“Wait!” I said and ran after him
“You guys are in seventh grade are you ever going to grow up? Evan you can replace Justin and Adam you can play for Jake” I heard Coach mumble
“Leave me alone!” he screamed at me
“I am sorry I didn’t want you to steal those cleats,” I said
“How much more do you know?” he glared at me
“That doesn’t matter,” I said
“You just came over to tell me how sorry you are then you can leave me alone right now.” He hissed at me
“Jake you deserve to play. You are really good, here you can have my cleats,” I said
“Are you sure I know how important this game is to you.” I said
“There are other games I can play, you deserve this one. Now go and get changed” I said.
“Thanks” he said and ran off.

“Get a lot of goals for me!” I yelled after him.

The author's comments:
this is a short story, we wrote it during clss

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