One Amongst Billions | Teen Ink

One Amongst Billions

December 16, 2013
By Anonymous

Four years old and I sat alone
In preschool at a desk of my own
Too scared to talk to the other kids
I endured that desk for months on end

Six and nothing much had changed
My number of friends had the smallest range
My teacher sent me to the hall
She told me to talk, I do recall
To the principles office I walked afraid
"Play with the other kids!" he raved

Eight years old when my sight first failed me
To the doctors office my mom trailed me
One year later I had my new glasses
Fourth grade and my friends were complete asses
They laughed aloud and called me nerd
Silently I cried unheard

Summer camp and I was eleven
Those months were nothing close to heaven
Ignored and betrayed I was left to rot
My best friend was mine until she was not

Things were fine until fourteen
When I was sad, anxious and somehow mean
Two years of hell I did endure
Until white pills were took to cure

Now here I am tired but ok
To the future my hopes do lay

The author's comments:
This poem includes some memorable events from my life. The poem was part of an English assignment I had to do, but when I sat down to write, the words just kind of flowed out and it turned into so much more. Writing this poem really helped me heal over past grievances.

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