The Party | Teen Ink

The Party

January 17, 2019
By Anonymous


JASON, along with his child, MAXIMUS, are sitting in the car. Jason, sitting in the driver’s seat, turns off the car. He opens the door of his 2017 Cadillac CTS, and signals to Maximus to exit the car. Maximus swings open the shotgun door and step out of the car. They approach the front door and read the sign on the front door, saying to enter through the side pathway. They go on through the side door and enter the cheerful birthday party.



Wow, creator this party we have made for Jefferey is very exquisite. We have succeeded in the making of a very special party.


Yes, created we have greatly succeeded.

Your friend should be extremely joyous at the sight of this surprise party.



Yay, I am truly excited that I can put my name on the making of this party. Jefferey shall be truly amazed.



Ok, let us duck down into our fully electric vehicle and roll our wheels over to Jefferey’s home.

Darty and Adain head over to Jefferey’s house to bring him back to the surprise party at their house. In the car, Darty and ADain are falling out of their seats with excitement.



Yes, not dad we have to make sure we don’t have too much fun now. You and I both have obligations tomorrow.


Hey Creator, I cannot spot Jefferey. I see no sign of him eithe. WHere could he be?


I wouldn’t know created, he is most likely residing around here somewhere.


Wow, he better be here.

Jefferey, home alone came out of the shower with nothing on except a towel on. His parents were not home because they were getting him presents.


AGGGh I hat al o yo wh woul yo sho u withou m eve knowin death. Birthday ar scam thi mean nothin I a no specia, everyon ha a birthda. Darty an Adai I hav neve like eithe of yo yo ar weir and obsesse wit fortnit.


Hello Jeffery we have arrived here to take you over to our house. We got some new toys and we just wanted you to experience them too.


Hey Jeffery, I mean you will really enjoy what we have now. It’s truly amazing.


Oh no! Created I think I might have left the car on and not in park.


Oh my god Creator tell me otherwise.


No I think its true. Let us go peak outside.


(Beginning to cry. Pulls tissue from pocket, and pats his eyes. )

No Creator, this is not okay. You know very well how important this is for me, and you ruined it. How could you do this to me, my dear Creator? (Dramatic pause)


Hey look here, Sonny, You cannot speak to me in this manner we all make mistakes, but you have no right to speak to your creator like that. Ohh when I get you home.


Creator, Why? You know he is my dearest friend and we are the closest of pals. We always hang around each other. On my birthday party his creator didn't forget my present.


I will fix this sonny like I always do. I swear by it that I will fix it. I will figure it out, I will, I will. I am terribly sorry for what I have done I ensure it will not happen again. Do you think you could ever forgive me?


No, Papa. You always mess up like this, and I can’t stand it anymore. You ruin everything. I honestly do not understand how you mess up so much. I’m running away, and you’ll never see me again Papa. I’m sorry, but goodbye.

Maximus, completely saddened by his father, exits the party and runs away.

The author's comments:

This piece is very sophisticated.

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