Romance stories written by teens | Teen Ink


Top voted Romance Articles

#251voted by our readers
By Anonymous

Up until recently, the decision Marina was struggling to make wouldn’t even have made her think twice. The youngest in a large Cuban family, Marina had always been a Daddy&rs...

#252 Fiction
By TheUnknownGuest GOLD
Woodbridge, Virginia
TheUnknownGuest GOLD, Woodbridge, Virginia
14 articles 4 photos 110 comments

Favorite Quote:
I can&#039;t remember it clearly, but it went something like this:<br /> <br /> &quot;The past is the past, the future is the furture. But now, now is like a gift, which is why it is called present.&quot;

#253 Fiction
becca2012 BRONZE, South Saint Paul, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
katiebeth___ SILVER, Richmond, Virginia
8 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
Que sera, sera.:)

#255 Fiction
By Yuelong GOLD
Bellevue, Washington
Yuelong GOLD, Bellevue, Washington
17 articles 0 photos 92 comments

Favorite Quote:
Win the Darwin award already!

#256 Fiction
By Ms.Saphira234 BRONZE
Burnt Hills, New York
Ms.Saphira234 BRONZE, Burnt Hills, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
if hate is such a strong word why do we throw love around like its nothing

#257 Fiction
By Allessandre SILVER
Tryon, North Carolina
Allessandre SILVER, Tryon, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You&#039;re unique, just like everybody else.

#258 Fiction
By EternalMadness GOLD
Fresno, California
EternalMadness GOLD, Fresno, California
13 articles 1 photo 45 comments

Favorite Quote:
They say it&#039;s what you make<br /> I say it&#039;s up to fate<br /> It&#039;s woven in my soul<br /> I need to let you go<br /> Your eyes, they shine so bright<br /> I want to save their light<br /> I can&#039;t escape this now<br /> Unless you show me how<br /> When you feel my heat<br /> Look into my eyes<br /> It&rsquo;s where my demons hide

#259 Fiction
By snowflakesofme SILVER
Bellevue, Washington
snowflakesofme SILVER, Bellevue, Washington
8 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

#260 Fiction
By Anonymous