Escape | Teen Ink


September 21, 2009
By Anonymous

Breaking the rules has always seemed ridiculous to me, something all immature people do to prove that they are above everyone else, but a mere moment of curiosity and spontaneous action changed this former opinion, as judgmental as it was. So, I became a hypocrite of my own words.

First, I escaped from a party to be alone, adrenaline rushing through me, my rational side screaming. Along the side of a grey, standard country road, my shoes crunch crunch crunch crunch on the gravel. I walked towards the cars flinching as they passed, waiting for them to hit me and stop me from doing something stupid. I glanced back swiftly and anxiously towards the party, waiting for someone to come running, to stop me. No one came, so on I trudged, curiosity born from boredom pushing me on. My flip-flops smacked the bottoms of my wayward feet keeping them going. One last glance, and I tramped into the overgrown grasses and salt-poisoned hedge just off the side of the road. I rushed into the safety of the woods barely acknowledging the obnoxious orange NO TRESPASSING signs tacked to tree after tree on the very edge of the section. I cast a worried look at my bare feet wondering if poison ivy was flourishing in these woods. To me, all the little green plants looked the same. What was different about poison ivy again? I thought they had three leaves, and a small bubble of laughter escaped, as crouched down to see many different green plants all having three leaves. I rushed out of sight through the thicket to an area of sparse woods, where my shadow played hide and seek in the dapples of sunlight peeking through.

Whisper, whisper, my jeans dragged on the dry, crunchy ground. I paused in a spot of sunlight, soaking in the warmth, a contrast to the chilly, empty air. I stay and sit on the ground in the bath of warm sunlight and look around.

This was not something I do. A smile grew on my lips, as I relished in my own sort of rebellion. Wind whipped through the small clearing rustling my hair and causing hundreds of minuscule mountains to form on my bare arms. A party of bird called to each other high above the trees. Caw! Caw! Chirrup! Chirrup! Ants marched over my obstructing feet; I brushed them off gently onto the ground.

A storm was brewing; the silence of the forest was no longer calm, but tense. The tension built more and more until one bird let out an involuntary squawk from its look out post high in the tree. Then it came: a shiny blue car zoomed by down the country road. The birds erupted in the air in a confused flurry of chatter and panic. The calmness was gone. It was time for me to leave, to enter back into that chaotic world that even the birds feared.

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This article has 1 comment.

thomasb said...
on Sep. 29 2009 at 3:09 pm
I can relate to the main character because I also always thought, “breaking rules all ways seemed ridiculous to me, something all immature people do…so I became I hypocrite of my own words.” I can relate because I always thought that too but after growing up a little and feeling like doing what you want to instead what your supposed to you don’t believe that any more because you have done it. You can see the way the character grows from thinking breaking rules being ridiculous like a young obedient child to actually breaking rules like a rebellious teenager normally does. The way the character’s thought process of thinking, “This was not something I do. A smile grew on my lips, as I relished in my own sort of rebellion” is similar to mine when I broke rules I never used to. The whole story is very true and relatable for a lot of kids.