A Garden Full of Secrets | Teen Ink

A Garden Full of Secrets

August 8, 2009
By Anonymous

Everyone has a secret garden full of their dreams and all sorts of secrets. I found my secret garden on a dark and dreary day in autumn. The monotonous sound of rain and the repetitive rhythm of rain drops on the window sill created a poetic melancholy. The rain gives nourishment to the earth. Strange how it can also feed the fantasy. If we listen with our hearts we can hear the earth silently singing. One of our most valued assets is our ability to dream, to give our thoughts wings to fly. By wandering in our minds, we can visit places without physical limitation, and journey to beautiful imagined landscapes. Music is our way of traveling—a free ticket to go anywhere, anytime. Inspired by childhood memories or colored by beautiful pastoral scenery, your Secret Garden is all your own; A magical and peaceful sanctuary where echoes from the past are heard and memories remembered…

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on Sep. 12 2009 at 9:49 pm
...irie... BRONZE, Which I Left In The Mnts, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Some look at things that are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were and ask why not?" -George Bernard Shaw

That was absolutely beautiful.Amazing.