The Ring | Teen Ink

The Ring

June 7, 2024
By Anonymous

Last night I found myself in a vivid scene.  It was a huge arena,  I couldn't identify where,  The big red clock with the numbers 1:50 flashing towards me.  I was in the front row seat,  a fan in a big crowd.  That's when I realized I was watching some bald headed man and short dude gearing up for a fight.  Starting from a heated exchange of words into a full blown fight.  After a solid 36 seconds the bald headed man hit a mean right hook causing the short dude to collapse.  Oh my god! I thought,   

No way that just happened.

After he collapsed I could feel the excitement in my body. Then a rush of adrenaline filled my body. I started getting pushed to the ring. My heart sank,  I was up next. 

I was not ready for this. I have never done anything like this.

…That's when I turned out of bed and flicked on the light.  My jaw dropped when I realized it was all just a dream.  I let out a big sigh of relief and was so happy it was not real.

I proceeded to flick off the light and hope to get into a normal dream where nothing like that happens again.

The author's comments:

Its good

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