Name Essay | Teen Ink

Name Essay

March 1, 2019
By -Gerry- BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
-Gerry- BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The name Spencer means keeper of provisions. A “Spencer” lives to serve others. To help in any way possible. Spencer is like superman, he has to help someone. When duty calls he is faster than lightning. His goal is to put others before him. He defies any hard tasks to save the person in distress.

Spencer is the color blue. The name in a picture would be the color of the sky. The sky on a calm spring day in Colorado. A sky with  birds flying, and a big red balloon floating off in the distance. An ongoing picnic in Central Park. Many families eating among others on red blankets. Everyone living in the moment.

If I had the choice, I wouldn't change my name. I enjoy the meaning of my name and all the characteristics that belong with it.I like my name, and love to help. I will never turn someone down to help them.  My mother gave me this name for a reason. Living up to the name gives me a purpose. She gave me my name after her great uncle Spencer. She described him to have all of these different qualities. She hopes that I live up to be like him one day. I associate him with imagery listed from above.The imagery of blue skies and picnics in a park. On a relaxing

Sunday with my family. Sitting on a red blanket watching the sky.

I think of myself as happy, upbeat, and positive about things. When I think of the name Spencer. Winnie the Pooh and his upbeat personality comes to my mind. Even through hard tasks, he still perseveres. He finds a way to get his achievements accomplished and move on.

Not many people in this world are named Spencer. 108,752 people out of around 325.7 million are named Spencer in the United states. This is 1 out of 20 people having this name. I enjoy having an uncommon name. It makes me feel unique. I hope one day the name will be passed down. Passed down to someone who shares the same characteristics. One who is humbled and willing enough to put others before him.

The author's comments:

I enjoyed writing this piece. 

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