Dear Matt | Teen Ink

Dear Matt

March 16, 2014
By Letrishy SILVER, Frankleigh Park, Other
Letrishy SILVER, Frankleigh Park, Other
9 articles 50 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
We aren't hiding, we are simply bringing life to the world

Dear Matt

The past three years have flown and I know that without your guidance and wisdom my life would not be the same. Your strength, determination and good will has been my inspiration as I complete these difficult high school years.

From the start I knew that you had taught me to accept and learn from the mistakes I have made in life. Every day your voice would fill my mind. A voice filled with understanding and encouragement. You have motivated me through the most horrible and excruciating moments in life and I can only dream of one day repaying you.

When grandma passed away I did not think there was a purpose to living anymore. However, your support and your bravery was my rock. Those nights when you would sit with me, helping me calm down the sea of emotions I was experiencing, taught me to grieve and then celebrate the life that had ended.

An earlier experience would be my first day of Grade ten. Doubt started creeping into my mind and settling in my soul. All those questions you had asked yourself I found myself asking. You had the wisdom and knowledge to provide yourself with the answers where as I did not. When I arrived home after a torturous day my mother gave me a note that you had written. It was that very note that lifted my spirits and became my motto.

You were with me through life, through death and through every other moment that existed. Not only were you here for me but the path you traveled throughout your life ultimately set an example for the path I should be travelling. Your life was filled with greatness and success but it was only just starting.

As I watch the sunset on this cloudless evening, my hair blowing in the slight breeze and my cheeks stained with tears, I wish I had said all these words before that inevitable day. Three days ago you passed away and my heart shattered, but all these lessons you have taught me, I will use. I will use them to make my life whole again and to fulfill all those dreams you had for me.

Forever your green-eyed girl

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece for a school assignment. The task was to write a letter to someone special in your life. I believe that there is nothing more special than a friend. And in order to convey the final climax I made the letter sad but meaningful.


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