Flourished Mind | Teen Ink

Flourished Mind

January 17, 2013
By Mari1996 BRONZE, La Mesa, California
Mari1996 BRONZE, La Mesa, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Flourished Mind
As Adrian walked home from his first day of second grade, he suddenly stopped to reflect upon his disastrous day; from missing the bus to being made fun of for his intellectual mind. His wandering mind led him to an unknown path where he came upon a tree that was smaller than the rest. Through winter he passed by the same tree and noticed it had flourished and grown stronger. As time went on, Adrian was no longer teased, rather he was praised and honored for his intellectual thoughts and ideas. Before he knew it, Adrian was becoming a successful man and decided to move on to bigger and better things. One day he returned back to his old town and back to his tree in the forest, only to realize that his tree had flourished into the strongest and tallest one of them all.

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