Puppy Dog | Teen Ink

Puppy Dog

May 11, 2018
By Maeveec BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
Maeveec BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“OMG I am so happy I got a new dog!” Katie expresses on her way home from the pet shop. The doggy tilts its head and looks at Katie; it grrrs at her. Katie laughs. “You’re so cute. Haha. What should I name you?” The dog wags its tail. “Hmmmm. Tiger? Rex? Lulu? Yonder? Buskin?” The dog stops wagging its tail. “Eddie?” The dog wags its tail in excitement. “Ayyyyy whaddup Eddie? My dog!” Katie says with a gangsta tone. Eddie starts nodding his head as the song ‘IDFWU’ by Big Sean starts playing. Katie and Eddie start walking down the street in sync with sunglasses on in slow motion. As the song picks up a real life montage happens and Katie and Eddie do a bunch of badass things like rob a bank, spray paint graffiti, push people down, dine and dash, and so much more together. Coolest dog EVER.
Katie and Eddie finally get home and make dinner. After getting getting into bed after a long day and big meal, Katie passes out in bed. Katie is suddenly awakened by a scorching pain piercing her thigh. She looked at her leg and Eddie was digging his teeth into them deeper than the hole he dug earlier. Katie kicks and screams and Eddie let's go. Eddie puts his head down and walked away as Katie kept screaming “Get out! Get out! Get out!” Katie starts crying as she calls an ambulance.
A few minutes later there was a knock at my door. Who could of been knocking at my door in the middle of the night. “911 open up” They scream at the door. I was confused. I never called the police. What the heck. I couldn't get up because of my leg so I couldn't even escape these people. I heard them starting to knock down my door so I began to army crawl under the bed. They knocked down the door but thankfully my good protective dog attacked them! Thank god he would always have my back.

The author's comments:

I love to write. 

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