Paranorm | Teen Ink


May 16, 2016
By alec.catarozoli BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
alec.catarozoli BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Hello Fairfield high school, And welcome to another excellent day to learn. This is your Principal Tucker telling you to be amazing today.” Principal Tucker says tries getting the whole  school to become positive about the school.
As always no one was paying any attention to what he or any of the other morning announcements had to say. Michael was going through his morning ritual mocking the announcements. The announcements come to a halt.
“Mr. Gomez must you always act like a child?” Mr. Rickards asks.
“ Well no, although it does adds a little excitement to life. Can’t all be old stiffs.” Michaell remarks.
Mr. Rickards ignores his remark and starts to go on with the day's science lesson. Mr. Rickards was a short stocky man, whose eyes rest on top of his huge cheeks. He paced back and forth ranting his daily rant nothing too important, but then I catch a glimpse of something he says.
“You will be getting partners and will have to complete a project about a certain planet in our solar system.”  Mr. Rickards tells the class. This was perfect I will ask Olivia to be my partner, will finally have a reason to talk to her.
Olivia had beautiful had hair the color of the sun, her blue eyes were almost as breathtaking as the new pairs of shoes that she wore every day. She was the person that everyone wanted to be around because she made everyone in the room a better person.
I made my way over by her the moment he was done, I had my heart on being first in the long time of guys Hoping to be her partner. Weaving through the desk out of the corner of my eye I see that Michael is looking at me. He seem to laughing at me, He leans back in his chair and puts his feet on the desk in front of him. With the back of his head resting on the palms of his hands he was ready to be entertained.
I finally get there she is sitting on her phone not really worrying about finding the right partner.
“Hey Olivia do you want to work on this project with me?” I blurt out loud and proud.
She finished up the text she was writing, then looked at me, this was the do or die moment. A few seconds following my question I saw a glimpse of the shimmering white teeth in her mouth.
“I thought you’d never ask.” She replies. I could feel my whole body freeze but all I really wanted to do was jump all around the room. Remembering the interaction I had with Michael, I turned around and began to rub it in his face. He lingers over to us and begins talking...
“Hey Olivia you look very nice, as always, so here is the thing our friend James has seem to forgotten that we are always partners. So you might want to start finding a different one, okay hun?”
She gives me a look suggesting, I must be a pretty great person for being such great friends
“I think that you will survive not doing this one with James.” Olivia snapped.
Michael began to scan the room for a possible, but everyone had seemed to have a partner. I knew what that meant I tried to stop him before he said anything but I was too late.
“Mr. Rickards everyone has a partner, And Olivia and James said that  is would be okay if I join them. So I am going to do that.” Michael rudely explains. 
Olivia was carrying a bitter look on her face, I knew she didn’t want to work with him and in all honesty I just wanted to work with Olivia.
“Okay that is fine with me Mr. Gomez” Mr.Rickards respond.
Michael turned around with a smile like he just got away with a crime. He pulled a chair right in the middle of olivia and I, put his arms around us. He was going to enjoy this, my one chance to spend time with her alone he had to ruin.
“So when are you guys free to work on this?” Olivia asked. Both Michael and I told her that we were free to work tonight.
“Okay that sounds good you guys can come home with me after school.”
It was the end of the day and I couldn’t find either Olivia or Michael. Going to both of their lockers. Still nowhere to be found, I made my way to the front of the school thinking that they might have met up there. To my surprise they were both waiting for me in a car that was wait for the three of us to go to Olivia’s House.
The Crisp blue sky complement the vast green bushes scattered around Olivia’s front yard. The long approach to her mammoth mansion in the background was filled with colors of all different sorts. What I wouldn’t do for a house like this for parents that sent someone to pick me up from school, and take me wherever I can think of.
“Holy Mansion Olivia, I didn’t know that you were that rich.” Michael announces. He leans over to me and says
“I understand why you like her so much now James.”
Olivia’s face blushes from embarrassment, I could tell she didn’t like when people brought up her wealth.
“What he means to say is that you and your family have a very lovely house.”I suggest.
The shuttle comes to a stop, men dressed in suits rushed down the stairs to open the doors for the three of us. As the door open the aroma of fresh cut grass and freshly placed gravel. Making our way up the boundless stairs Michael and I found our eyes wandering to the countless number of artifacts to gaze upon.
As we walk in we are greeted by another man in a suit but this time he gives us his name.
“Hello my name is Devin, If you need anything please let me know and I will fetch it for you.”
“Thank you Devin but I think that we will get right to work. Come on boys follow me, we start working in my room.” Olivia responded.
The three of us continued up the millions of stairs, we follow Olivia down the lengthy white and gold hallway to a giant arching door. She swung the door open, that is when my jaw almost fell to the floor. In the room, if you were to turn to the left you would see her wall of mirrors and a bar along it with a patch of wood flooring under it. In the center of the room was her work desk, a beautiful shining silver MacBook sat upon her desk. Behind her work desk there was a huge flat screen tv upon the wall. Then to the right was her bed and a door that I would think led to the her closet.
I looked over at Michael he rolled his eyes and through his backpack on her floor.
“Alright Princes and her little frog, let’s get this done.” Michael complained.
For the next few hours we discussed what our project was going to be and who was going to do what. No surprise when we told Michael that he had to do something for this project he politely declined and then proceeded back to just taking up space.
“Why did he even want to work with us? I was looking forward to working with you alone.” Olivia explained.
I couldn’t help myself from smiling. The rest of the night as me and Olivia worked to finish this project we had great conversations and shared many laughs. All of the sudden we were done after a long five hours we finally finished.
We didn't bask in the glory long I had to leave and so did Michael it was about time we got home.  we said our goodbyes and to my surprise Olivia called called me over and gave me a hug goodbye. Michael just being Michael let out a huge
“ Awe you guys are so cute you should be going out, can we go now?”
Left Olivia's mammoth of a house as me and Michael stepped outside the dreary rain hit our heads.  Russian we put our heads on as any kid would do and tried to run home as fast as you can we didn't live too far away but it felt like we did.  the Green Grass of the neck of the neighborhood started to turn brown and you could tell this this is where we lived. The houses are rundown, the windows were broken, The Yards were nonexistent.   there came a fork in the road and this is where me and Michael had to say our goodbyes he lived to the right and I to the left.
“ See you later lover boy, hope you had fun working on that project the girl of your dreams.” He remarked.
“ Yeah see you later Michael here and try cracking open a book now and again”I snarled back.
The walk back to my house was long, not too long, but it just felt longer because of the rain. Until came up on me all the sudden I felt uneasy. out of nowhere a loud crack of thunder sounded, it was unusual, for came out of nowhere.  a few seconds later I heard a crash and a fire started up on the hill by my house.  I frantically ran to try to see what I can do to help to see if the falling object may have hit anyone or anything.  as I ran the rain hit my face harder and harder I feel like an Olympic runner sweating  or running the 100-meter dash.
the Flames of the fire were surprisingly not hot the insert closer and closer I was able to start making out what had  fell from the sky.  as one could resume it seems to just be another rock but this is different it had greater than it so I guess I must have been an asteroid it was perfect because we just got done doing a project about that.  being a stupid kid I decided to go closer to it it started to Glow as I got closer to him a white blinding glow a column came over me then  all the sudden I hear a voice use of familiar voice I've heard it before but I couldn't make it out. I look up  and see you principal principal Tucker.
“ Mr. Tucker what are you doing here?  I haven't seen you do you live around here?”
He looked a man with shock,  I didn't know what to make of the situation I never imagined an asteroid falling right next to my house and all the sudden my principal showing up.  he made his way down to the Flames with me,  flashed me a look  inside with the straightest of faces.
“Try picking it up”
I thought he was crazy,  why would you want a young kid to pick up an asteroid that just fell from  space.  I always thought he was a little odd, But to be crazy enough to tell a kid to pick up a burning Rock new level.
“ Umm may ask why  do you want me to pick it up? Why can't you, you are the adult anyways.” I mudder with hesitation in my voice.
“Because it's not here for me here for you. Please pick it up.” He insisted.
Here from me what could it mean.  I haven't even gotten a package from the post office, so why is space sending me this rock.
“You know Mr. Tucker, as cool as this whole  experience has been I think I'm just going to go home. See you tomorrow.”   As I turn to walk away he places his hand on my shoulder gives me a look insisting that I should pick the rock up and not question him, that he knew something that I didn't know.  I've gotten this look many times before not for this certain situation, but before from my parents, from my mom. She was a smart woman, she was everything that a mother should be, she gave all of her kids love and affection, she never made one feel more special than the other. That every kid was special in their own way. yes she's giving me the look many times before, well before her accident, and she was never wrong, so it would be a mistake to think that Mr. Tucker with the exact same look on his face that he would be wrong.
I turned to face the burning object inching closer and closer second-by-second regretting this decision. It was finally within Arm's Reach touched it with my finger and then I grabbed it with my hand. All of the sudden sensation came over me I didn't know what it was like a rush of power spreading through my body. Shining Light Light song from the stone as I picked it up.
“ What is going on Mr. Tucker” I asked
When I turned around it was no longer Mr. Tucker there it was a giant green man at least 7-Foot standing in his place, but oddly he looked exactly like Mr. Tucker.  I jumped back from shock
“ Who who who are you, and what did you do with Mr. Tucker”
“Where hail from I am know as Tuck. I am here to protect and teach the 4 humans that have been trusted to hold the powers of the skeletons. You James are one of those 4.” He replied
“What are The Skeletons?” I ask.
“They are bio-enhancers that my planet had made. We made hundreds we sent them around the universe because our planet was under attack so to keep the skeletons out of the wrongs hand we did what we have to.”
This was all over whelming but I still had no idea what this Skeleton was going to do to me.
“The bio-enhanced  skeletons  give every person a different ability, the one mask your DNA will give you the ability of super strength.” he explained
“ Oh sweet, so I will be like some kind of Superman right?”  I asked.
“ Well not quite at first it might be hard to control and strength but I'm here to teach you”
After  a few minutes my dad and brother came out of the house, their faces filled the sheer Terror. My dad started yelling out my name, youngest brother Leo’s  eyes filled with tears, he started to scream.  my other brother want to comfort him saying that it will be okay that we will find James.  I walked off from the huge crater that is now in our yard, and told my family.
“ I’m fine you don't have to worry”

The next few weeks I started training with Tuck, he taught me many fighting styles of his people. He I'll explain many stories about his home planet, about his family, his friends, and his life. He taught me how to control my super strength so I wouldn't rip off the refrigerator door everytime I open it, I was very grateful for that because I wouldn’t be able to hide that from my dad for too long.
One day while we were training in his secret hideout, we heard a loud crash. Tuck  went to check it out, and I stayed in the training room working on some more combo moves that he showed me. He didn't return in 10 minutes so started to worry, I took it upon myself to go find him. I check every room twice yet he's nowhere to be found,  I finally checked the hatch where he keeps a ship. As I approach the room another voice appears and a very hostile one if that. I turn the corner to see that Tuck is being held down by another one of his people, but he told me that he was the only one of his kind that was on earth. With one hand gripping Tuck’s neck firmly and the other holding a small battle axes. I jumped from the top floor to try to help but in a split second I was one with the wall with his other battle axe pinning me against it.
I was helpless there was more to the skeletons that I would ever understand, that is when I heard it
“Where are the four kids? I know you were sent here to protect them.”  The stranger says.
“Leave now Drax, I don’t want to have to hurt you my old friend.” Tuck responded.
“Look at me boy.” Drax screams at me.
“Is your name James Robinson?” He barks at me.
“Yes, it is.” I say making sure I’m looking right in his eyes.
“Then it was your mother that was the one the found the first skeleton that had landed 10 years ago.”
My eyebrows rose, I started to sweat and get really hot.
“You knew my mother?” I screamed.
“Yes boy, I knew her very well she was the first of the humans to gain the power of the skeleton. It was a great honor to take her powers and life such a great asset over the last decade.” Drax gleefully explained.
“So you were the one who killed her.” I repeat over and over with a tear streaming down my face.
“You will regret the day that you ever came to this planet I swear to you.”
“Well if that is all you have to say I will just grab good old Tuck here and be on my way boy.” Drax says.
He lifts Tuck up by the neck and flies off with him. I would have jumped after him but his battle axe still had me pinned against the wall.
I put my head down in defeat i spoke the words.
“ I will find you, I promise you that.”

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